Posts Tagged ‘Časi’

Komentarji tečajnikov 004

March 14th, 2016

V šoli angleškega jezika Galluslingua sem bila na individualnih urah – priprave na izpit. Na moji fakulteti sem morala opraviti izpit iz angleškega jezika. Ker sem veliko stvari od mature pozabila, sem se odločila da določene stvari ponovim s pomočjo inštruktorja. Vesela sem bila, ker sem lahko sama določala kaj bi rada predelala, prvič na tečaju sem jaz imela vodilno vlogo glede vsebine. Po 20 urah priprav sem izpit uspešno zaključila. Individualne ure so mi zelo pomagale. Domačih nalog je bilo ravno prav, če pa sem hotela več ali manj, pa tudi ni bil problem. Moj inštruktor Niko je z svojim mirnim, vzpodbudnim in fleksibilnim pristopom meni zelo olajšal delo in umiril moje strahove ki sem mu jih na začetku zamolčala.

Za vedno si bom zapomnila njegov stavek : There are no stupid questions, ask me anything!


Komentarji tečajnikov 003

October 18th, 2013

Lani sem obiskoval priprave na maturo. V skupini nas je bilo pet. Ker nas je bilo tako malo smo vsi vedno prišli na vrsto, ko smo vadili branje, morali odgovarjati na vprašanja ali sestavljati pisati esej. Tukaj se ne moreš skriti kot v šoli kjer je 30 ljudi v razredu.
Včasih sem imel vsega vrh glave, pa tudi domačo nalogo nisem redno delal, vendar mi učitelj tega ni zameril, ampak mi je skušal dopovedati, da domača naloga koristi samo meni, njemu nič ne pomaga.
Včasih sem celo dobil 20 minut časa na začetku tečaja, da sem jo naredil in potem mi je popravil vaje medtem ko smo vadili slušno razumevanje. Bil je edini učitelj, ki sem ga imel v srednji šoli, ki se ni jezil name zaradi domačih nalog. Maturo iz angleščine sem naredil z oceno 4, kar me je zelo presenetilo. Očitno domače naloge niso tako pomembne. Angleščine sedaj ne sovražim več ampak jo sprejemam kot nekaj kar bom v življenju potreboval, kot nujno zlo.


Komentarji tečajnikov 002

September 25th, 2013

Na individualne priprave na maturo sem hodila ker dvakrat nisem naredila mature iz angleščine. Imela sem velike težave z določenimi slovničnimi zadevami in besednim zakladom. Imela sem tudi velik strah pred ustnim spraševanjem. Po 5 mesecih priprav na maturo sem končno naredila maturo iz angleščine in to je bil najbolj srečen dan v mojem življenju. Kar se šole Galluslingua tiče, bi se rada zahvalila mojemu učitelju Nikotu, ker mi je pomagal, da sem uspešno rešila moje težave in še posebej da sem odpravila moj strah pred ustnim spraševanjem.
Sedaj uspešno študiram and life is good.


Komentarji tečajnikov 001

September 25th, 2013

Pri Galluslingua sem obiskovala individualni tečaj iz poslovne angleščine. Potrebovala sem angleščina v službi zaradi kontakta s strankami v tujini. Naučila sem se veliko pogovornih in poslovnih fraz, pisanje poslovne elektronske pošte, telefonskega pogovora ter zelo veliko smo delali na komunikacijskih veščinah.
Tečaj mi je pomagal do te mere, da se sedaj ne obremenjujem več z popolnoma pravilno slovnično strukturo, ter da se ne ustavim več na besedi ki se je v tistem trenutku ne spomnem ampak poskušam povedati malo drugače ali celo opišem kaj mislim reči. Zdaj vem, da je pomembno da komuniciram sproščeno in ne vedno hitro.Vedno tudi vprašam če kaj preslišim ali ne razumem. Dostikrat tudi vljudno prosim sogovornika, da govori malo počasneje. Izgubila sem sem komunikacijsko blokado , ki sem jo pred tem tečajem vedno imela iz strahu, da ne bom česar razumela ali da bom kaj narobe povedala.


Angleška slovnica – Present Perfect or Past Simple

August 18th, 2013

Present Perfect or Past Simple Test

Click on the answer you think is correct.

1. When ________________ the school?
have you joined
did you joined
did you join
have you ever joined

2. ___________________ in England?
Did you ever worked
Have you ever worked
Worked you
Didn’t you have worked

3. That’s the best speech ______________
I never heard
I didn’t hear
I used to hear
I’ve ever heard

4. He’s the most difficult housemate _____________________
I never dealt with.
I never had to deal with.
I’ve ever had to deal with.
I’ve never had to deal with.

5. ___________________ to him last week.
I spoke
I’ve already spoken
I didn’t spoke
I speaked

6. ______________ a contract last year and it is still valid.
We have signed
We signed
We haven’t signed
We have sign

7. _______________ from a business trip to France.
I come back
I came back
I never came back
I’ve just come back

8. Prices ________ in 1995 but then _____ in 1996.
rised falled
rose fell
have risen have fallen
rose have fallen

9. You ____________ to a word ____________
listened I haven’t said
didn’t listen I say
listened saying
haven’t listened I’ve said

10. I can’t believe that ________________ the news.
you haven’t read
you didn’t read
you don’t read
you read not

Angleška slovnica – Past Simple 009

December 14th, 2012


Exercise on questions

Write questions in simple past.

  1. Anna / the window / open
  2. she / home / walk
  3. you / in the garden / work
  4. you / a song / sing
  5. she / on a chair / sit
  6. you / the castle / visit
  7. Jenny / the door / lock
  8. she / happy / be
  9. Greg / the ball / kick
  10. the car / at the corner / stop

Angleška slovnica – Past Simple 008

November 25th, 2012

PAST SIMPLE: Fill in the boxes with the correct form of each verb.

Tom got up very early yesterday morning and _____1_____ a bath. Then he _____2_____ down to the kitchen and _____3_____ two pieces of toast and _____4_____ a glass of milk. Tom works in the local hospital and, yesterday he _____5_____ the house at about 8 o’clock.

He _____6_____ the number ten bus and he _____7_____ at work at 8.30. He _____8_____ ‘good morning’ to his secretary, Maura, and then he _____9_____ all the letters that were on his table. Then he ____10______ Maura for a cup of coffee and he _____11_____ four very important letters.

At one o’clock, Tom _____12_____ for lunch in a café and _____13_____ his newspaper. He _____14_____ to the office at two o’clock and _____15_____ at six. He _____16_____ the bus because a friend ____17______ him in the car.

In the evening, he _____18_____ in the local swimming pool and _____19_____ shopping in the local supermarket where he _____20_____ a lot of food. He _____21_____ very tired in the evening so he _____22_____ television. He _____23_____ to bed at 11 o’clock and he _____24_____ about winning the lottery.


return – go – have – dream – leave – have – arrive – say – take – ask – read – go – read – go – buy – not – take – read – take – swim – leave – be – watch – go – drink

Angleška slovnica – Past Simple 007

October 16th, 2012

PAST SIMPLE: Put the verbs in Past Tense.

Yesterday Tom
(get) up at 7 o’clock. He
(have) a shower and
(put) on some clean clothes. Then he
(have) breakfast. At half past seven he
(go) into the bathroom,
(brush) his teeth and
(comb) his hair. After that he
(put) on his shoes and
(leave) his home to go to school. He
(take) the bus which
(have) a stop in front of his home. He
(get) on this bus at a quarter to eight. He
(get) off the bus in front of the school and
(enter) his classroom just in time. He
(listen) to various teachers from 8 a.m. to 1:35 p.m. Then he
(hurry) home because he
(be) very hungry. He
(eat) lunch and
(do) his homework. Later on he
(watch) TV. In the evening he
(have) dinner with his parents. After that he
(meet) some friends in the city. When he
(come) home, he
(wash) his face and
(brush) his teeth before he
(put) on his pyjamas. Finally, he
(enjoy) listening to his favourite music or watching TV in bed late at night until he
(fall) asleep.

Angleška slovnica – Past Simple 006 / nepravilni glagoli – Rešitve

October 20th, 2011

PAST SIMPLE 006: Irregular verbs/nepravilni glagoli: Rešitve:



1. feed fed fed

2. sing sang sung

3. take took taken

4. swim swam swum

5. throw threw thrown

6. write wrote written

7. begin began begun

8. sleep slept slept

9. mean meant meant

10. fight fought fought

11. stick stuck stuck

12. light lit lit

13. teach taught taught

14. wake woke woken

15. speak spoke spoken



  1. wear wore worn
  2. eat ate eaten
  3. hear heard heard
  4. cost cost cost
  5. fall fell fallen
  6. hit hit hit
  7. keep kept kept
  8. feel felt felt
  9. meet met met
  10. understand understood understood
  11. ride rode ridden
  12. put put put
  13. send sent sent
  14. shake shook shaken
  15. win won won



Angleška slovnica – Past Simple 006 / nepravilni glagoli

October 13th, 2011

PAST SIMPLE: Irregular verbs/nepravilni glagoli:

a) Put in the missing forms of the verbs.
Vstavi manjkajoče oblike nepravilnih glagolov: nedoločnik, past simple oblika, past participle oblika
Example: ____ – kept – ____

Answer: keep – kept – kept

-fed –
2)- -sung
3)take -
-swam –
5)throw -
7)-began -
8)sleep -
10)-fought -
11)stick -
13)teach -
15)-spoke -

b)  Put in the missing forms of the verbs.
Example: ______ – taught – _______
Answer: teach – taught – taught

1)wear -
3)hear -
-cost –
5)fall -
7)keep -
-felt - 

9)meet -
-understood –
11) ride -
-put –
14)shake -
-won –