Posts Tagged ‘Comparatives and Superlatives’

Angleška slovnica – Comparative and Superlative Adjectives 001 – Rešitve

July 20th, 2010

Comparative and superlative adjectives 001 – rešitve:

1. My sister is more careful than me.

2. Who is the tallest in your family?

3. Last year was the hottest summer since 1951.

4. My neighbour has a bigger house.

5. The longest river in America is the Mississippi.

6. He bought the most expensive car in the world.

7. He got the easiest task.

8. Her room is colder in the summer.

9. Who is the worst golf player?

10. China is the biggest country in the world.

Angleška slovnica – Comparative and Superlative Adjectives 001

July 13th, 2010

Comparative and superlative adjectives:

Prevedi v angleščino:

1. Moja sestra je bolj pazljiva od mene.

2. Kdo je najvišji v vaši družini?

3. Lani je bilo najbolj vroče poletje od leta 1951.

4. Moj sosed ima večjo hišo.

5. Najdaljša reka v Ameriki je Mississippi.

6. Kupil je najdražji avto na svetu.

7. Dobil je najlažjo nalogo.

8. Njena soba je bolj mrzla poleti.

9. Kdo je najslabši igralec golfa?

10. Kitajska je največja država na svetu.