Posts Tagged ‘Grammar’

Matura – Mešani časi 002 – Gap fill – It Was Midnight

October 27th, 2010


Insert the right tenses: simple past, past continuous, past perfect

It was almost midnight and 1._________( to read) a thriller. I wanted to go to bed, but I kept postponing doing  it. Just one more page, 2. I ___________(to repeat) to myself from time to time. My wife and my children3. _______________(to sleep) upstairs. I was also enjoying the sweet feeling of  freedom that I couldn’t enjoy in daytime.

Then suddenly there was a blackout. 4. I__________ (to check) if there was something wrong with the lamp 5.  I _________(to use) but that was not the problem. It was not a stormy night, nobody was using the electric oven or the washing machine or the hairdryer or the dishwasher. No, the whole house was still and silent.

Not being able to find a rational answer, and still sitting in the complete darkness, 6. I ________(to start)  feeling a bit scared. Maybe I was under the influence of the thriller, but wasn’t that a low grating at the door? Was somebody tampering with it?

7. I___________ (to listen) with  intense concentration. No, there was  no noise, it was only my imagination. So, what was the blackout due to, then?

Groping in the dark, 8. I ________(to find) a candle. After lighting it, I decided to call the electricity company. It was past midnight by now, but they were very kind: they said they 9.  _________ (to arrive) in an hour’s time. 10. I_________ (to wait)for them sitting on the sofa, unable to read any longer.

The company 11. ___________(to request)  my cell phone  number, because the  bell wouldn’t be working, and it was with a start that I woke up when the cell phone rang.  12.   I ___________(to fall) asleep . I had perhaps been sleeping only a few minutes  because I felt confused and dizzy.  13. It___________ (to take) me some time to remember the situation I was in. The phone kept ringing. I didn’t want to wake up my family so I  had to stop it as soon as possible. 14. But where ___________( to put) it? I got up in a frenzy and I stumbled against the small tool I keep next to the sofa. It was a terrible pain. I limped to the door, opened it and   let the electrician in. 15. I ________ (to nurse) my feet when he came back. The light 16. ________(to precede) his return and the house was again illuminated by the light of the lamp.

He explained that the culprit was an ant, or maybe more than one. 17. They_________ (to enter) the electricity meter and left formic acid on the chip. 18. That ___________(to cause)  the blackout.

When I got up the next morning my foot still hurt. My wife saw me limping and said  ironically: “Have you challenged a monster in your dream?”

“Well, not a monster,” I answered , “only an ant.”

Angleška slovnica – Past Simple 005 – Rešitve

October 26th, 2010

IRREGULAR VERBS – Past Simple 005 – rešitve

1. bought, did not buy

2. saw

3. did not see

4. burnt

5. saw

6. met

7. lent

8.paid, left

9. woke me up

10. won

11. knew, said

12. sold, did not sell

13. drank, was

14. did not drink

15. drank

16. drank

17. won

18. ate, had

19. wore

20. broke up

21. bit

22. rang

23. did not take , took

24. taught

Angleška slovnica – Past Simple 005

October 20th, 2010

IRREGULAR VERBS – Past Simple 005

Provide the correct tense of the verb in brackets.(SIMPLE PAST)

1.-I__________(buy)some fruit but I___________(not buy) any bread.

2.-I __________(see) nothing.

3.-I  ________________(not see) anything.

4.-Someone__________(burn) the forest.

5.-Someone__________________(see) you there last night.

6.-I think we ______________(meet) before, you look familiar to me.

7.-She_______________(lend) me a dress for the wedding.

8.-Peter_____________(pay) the bill and_______________(leave) immediately.

9.-The noise_______________(wake me up).

10.-He______________(win) 2,000 euros in the lottery.

11.-He  always____________(know) the truth but he never______________(say) anything.

12.-They_____________(sell) the cottage  last month but they ________________(not sell) the flat.

13.-I________________(drink) too much coffee so I________________(be) very nervous.

14.-I_______________(not drink) any coffee,I don´t know why I was so nervous.

15.-I  ________________(drink) no coffee I don´t know why I was so nervous.

16.-The baby  _______________(drink) his milk.

17.-The team  never____________________(win) a match , however they played very well

18.-They   ________________(eat) some food in bad condition so they________________(have )to go to the hospital.

19.-I __________________(wear) this dress  twice last week.

20.-They_______________(break) up, that´s why Jack is so depressed.

21.-He almost died because a snake_____________(bite) him.

22.-They_____________(ring) yesterday morning.

23.-I___________________(not take ) the bus,I_____________(take) a taxi.

24.-She  ___________(teach ) here  three years ago.

Angleška slovnica – Past Simple 004 – Rešitve

October 6th, 2010

Past simple 004 – Rešitve

1. remained, cooked, did

2. rested, read, watched, went

3. was, studied, went, worked, worked, watched

4. went, went

5. taught

6. got, watched

7. walked

8. attended

9. went

10. was

Angleška slovnica – Past Simple 004

September 30th, 2010


Now write the correct past forms of the verbs:

1. Yesterday I____________(REMAIN) in the house. I _________ (COOK) dinner and ________(DO) some housework.

2. I _________(REST), _______(READ) books, __________(WATCH) television and___________ (GO) to sleep.

3. I ________(BE) at school most of the day. I ____________(STUDY).

I______ (GO) to the gym and________ (WORK) out, ________ (WORK) in my computer, __________(WATCH) a little TV.

4. I________ (GO) to work in the morning and I________ (GO) to school in the afternoon.

5. I __________(teach) yesterday. I teach at school two days a week.

6. This morning I ______(GET) up at eight and ________(WATCH)  news.

7. We ____________ (walk) around the city.

8. Yesterday I ___________(ATTEND) a speech at Columbia University.

9.  I _________(GO) to my shrink.

10. I _________(BE) pretty good at school.

Angleška slovnica – Past Simple 003 – Rešitve

September 28th, 2010

PAST SIMPLE – 003 – rešitve

1. Yesterday, I went to the restaurant with a client.

2. We drove around the parking lot for 20 minutes in order to find a parking space.

3. When we arrived at the restaurant, the place was full.

4. The waitress asked us if we had reservations.

5. I said, “No, my secretary forgot to make them.”

6. The waitress told us to come back in two hours.

7. My client and I slowly walked back to the car.

8. Then we saw a small grocery store.

9. We stopped in the grocery store and bought some sandwiches.

10. That was better than waiting for two hours.

11. Last night, Samantha had pizza for supper.

12. My pet lizard died last month.

13. Yesterday I spent two hours cleaning my living room.

14. This morning before coming to class, Jack ate two bowls of cereal.

15. What happened to your leg?

Angleška slovnica – Past simple 003

September 22nd, 2010


Change the verbs in the following sentence into past tense.

1. Yesterday, I go to the restaurant with a client.

2. We drive around the parking lot for 20 minutes in order to find a parking space.

3. When we arrive at the restaurant, the place is full.

4. The waitress asks us if we have reservations.

5. I say, “No, my secretary forgets to make them.”

6. The waitress tells us to come back in two hours.

7. My client and I slowly walk back to the car.

8. Then we see a small grocery store.

9. We stop in the grocery store and buy some sandwiches.

10. That is better than waiting for two hours.

Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:

11. Last night, Samantha have pizza for supper.

12. My pet lizard was died last month.

13. Yesterday I spend two hours cleaning my living room.

14. This morning before coming to class, Jack eats two bowls of cereal.

15. What was happened to your leg?

Angleška slovnica – Present Perfect 001

July 21st, 2010

The Present Perfect

Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense. Present perfect or Past simple.

1. He_______________ (live) in London for two years and then _______________ (go) to Edinburgh.

2. When I left school I_______________ (cut) my hair and_______________ (wear) it short ever since.

3. My brother_______________ (write) several plays. He_______________ (just/finish) his second tragedy.

4. I_______________ (not see) him for three years, I wonder where he is.

5. He_______________ (not smoke) for two weeks. He is trying to give up.

6. I_______________ (do) this sort of work when I_______________ (be) an apprentice.

7. I_______________ (write) the letter but I can’t find a stamp.

8. _______________ you_______________ (see) the moon last night?

9. The clock isn’t slow, it_______________ (stop).

10. A: Who_______________ (you/vote) for in the last election?

B: I_______________ (vote) for Mr. Pitt.

A: He_______________ (not/be) elected, _______________ (be) he?

B: No, he_______________ (lose) his deposit.

11. A: _______________ (you/like) your last job?

B: I_______________ (like) it at first but then I_______________ (quarrel) with my employer and he_______________ (dismiss) me.

A: How long_______________ (be)you there?

B: I_______________ (be)there for two weeks.

12. A: _______________ (Mary/feed) the cat?

B: Yes, she_______________ (feed) him before lunch.

A: What_______________ (she/give) him?

B: She_______________ (give) him some fish.

13. A: I_______________ (not see) your aunt recently.

B: No, she_______________ (not be) out of the house since she_______________ (buy) her colour TV.

14. A: How_______________ (you/get) that scar?

B: I_______________ (get) it in a car accident a year ago.

15. She_______________ (say) she’d ring me this morning, but it’s now 12.30 and she_______________ (not/ring) yet.

16. It_______________ (rain) for two hours and the ground is too wet to play on, so the match _______________ (be) postponed.

17. A: Why_______________ (you/make) such a horrible noise?

B: I_______________ (lose) my key and I_______________ (try) to wake up my wife by throwing stones at her window.

A: You_______________ (throw) stones at the wrong window. You live next door.

18. He_______________ (not/stop) since he arrived.

19. He_______________ (just/ride), that’s why he’s wearing a riding hat.

Angleška slovnica – Prevedi v angleščino 001

March 31st, 2010

Prevedi v angleščino!

Uporabi  naslednje čase:


1. Včeraj sem dobil veliko daril.

2. Danes gremo  v Rusijo, prinesite topla oblačila.

3. Vsak dan gre v službo z vlakom.

4. Poglej, Marko plava brez pomoči.

5. Pred tremi dnevi smo smučali v Kranjski Gori in smo srečali slavnega smučarja Jureta Koširja.

6. Ona  ni končala svoje domače naloge.

7. Oni  so živeli 20 let v Madridu.

8. On ne pije kave.

9. Jaz nisem zdravnik.

10. Ali si poslal pismo?

11. Ali si  prodal tvoj stari avto?

12. Mi nismo šli v Rim, ker je bilo vreme slabo.

13. Jaz  nikoli ne jem škampov.

14. Tožilec ga je poslal v zapor.

15. On vedno pomije posodo.

16. Leta 1999 je prepotoval  svet.

17. Ona  zdaj kuha,  njen mož pa bere časopis.

18. Zdaj berem knjigo, pusti me pri miru.

19. Ne dežuje zdaj , je pa deževalo včeraj.

20. Ponavadi tečem 5 kilometrov.

21. Pred 10 leti je bil uspešen poslovnež.

22. Oni sovražijo kadilce cigar.

23. Ona ne zna igrati golfa.

24. Oni so kupili novo hišo.

25. Mi vedno prinesemo solato.

26. On je popil svojo pijačo.

27. Jaz sem danes poslal 20. elektronskih sporočil.

28. Lansko leto sem padel in si zlomil nogo.

29. Videli  so nesrečo.

30. Nikoli ne vidim Janeza, ker ga ni nikoli doma.

31. Ta teden  igramo 5 tekem.

32. Včeraj je srečal 7 prijateljev.

33. Ali si popravil računalnik?

34. Včeraj ni poklical svojega sina.

35. Delam v Merkatorju.

36. Zdaj barvam stanovanje, pokliči me prosim jutri.

37. Ti si šel v Zagreb, jaz pa sem ostal doma.

38. Ali ste leteli ali ste šli z avtobusom?

39. Niso pozabili zakleniti stanovanja.

40. Nisem ujel zadnje žoge in izgubili smo tekmo.

Rešitve sledijo,  srečno!

Matura – Mešani Časi – Gap Fill – Taj Mahal

February 22nd, 2010

Dopolni z glagolskimi oblikami v primernem času.
For centuries, the Taj Mahal  (inspire)_______________ poets, painters and musicians to try and capture its elusive magic in word, colour and song. It (be) _______________ one of the most flawless architectural creations of the world. Since the 17th century, travellers (cross) _______________ continents to come and see this ultimate memorial to love, and few (be)________________  unmoved by its incomparable beauty.

Taj Mahal (stand)_______________           in the city of Agra, in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, on the banks of the Yamuna River. It (build )  _______________               in the memory of the beautiful Arjumand Bano Begum, who (win)_______________ the heart of a Mughal prince. She (marry)_______________ at 21 to Emperor Jahangir’s third son Prince Khurram and (stay)_______________ loyally by his side through good times and bad: in the luxurious royal palaces of Agra as well as the transient tents of war camps.

In AD 1628, Khurram (become )  _______________   king after a bloody battle of succession: he_______________ (take) the name Shahjahan or “King of the World” and (shower)_______________                  his beloved begum with the highest titles. She (become) _______________  Mumtaz Mahal, the exalted of the palace and Mumtaz-ul-Zamani, the exalted of the Age. But Mumtaz Mahal was not destined to be queen for long.

In 1631, Shahjahan (go) _______________ on an expedition to the south and, as always, Mumtaz Mahal (accompany)  _______________  him. But she (die)_______________  in childbirth at Burhanpur.

She (give)_______________ Shahjahan fourteen children, of whom four sons and three daughters (survive)   _______________ . When Mumtaz Mahal (die) _______________  , she (be) _______________ just 39 years old.  Shahjahan (be) _______________ inconsolable and contemporary chronicles (tell) _______________of the royal court mourning for two years. There (be) _______________ no music, no feasting, and no celebration of any kind.

Over 20,000 workmen and artists (hire) _______________  to complete the work but the monument still (take) _______________  around 20 years to build. The building (cover)  _______________                     in white marble and precious stones. When the emperor (die)_______________  in 1666, he (bury) _______________ next to his beloved Mumtaz. Today, the Taj Mahal (consider)  _______________  to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. More than that, it (see) _______________  as a symbol of true love.

Rešitve sledijo. Pa srečno!